Opera 2007

Opera 2007 Concert (one video)

Psalm 84
How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!

The Martyrdom of St. Mark
When the cruel hands came to seize our Saint, in the mass time-which he himself has written- they disgracefully dragged him on the ground until he acquired the martyrdom to gain four crowns.

Ten oo oasht
“We worship the Father of Light, His-Only Begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, the One Essence Trinity”. It is called “Hymn of the Holy Trinity” or “Hymn of the blessing”. Chanted at the end of the offering of morning incense as a preparation for the Lamb Offering.

Gospel Response at Great Lent on Weekdays (Mon-Fri)

Shari Efnoti
Praxis Response at Great Lent on Weekdays (Mon-Fri)

Hail (From "The Introduction to the Creed")
Hail, Hail, Hail to the mother of God, the ever virgin Theotokos......

Unto You, I lift up my eyes (From Psalm 123)
Unto You, I lift up my eyes, O You that dwells in the heavens.
Unto You, I spilled out my heart, so look at me with mercy......

Gethsemane (Words from the Agpeya)
O Lord, who passed the winepress alone with the pains pierced into You as death arrows. You who have surpassed the death for me. Remember me when You come unto Your Kingdom......

Fai Etaf Enf
Chanted at Holy Thursday and Good Friday .

When the mother saw The Shepherd, The Lamb
Litany of the Ninth Hour Prayer.

Alli al korban
The hymn has no words except “a”, the first letter of “Alleluia”. It acts as a long introduction to the short hymn “Alleluia fai pe pi”, drawing with tones only the tour of Jesus’ life from the baptism up to the resurrection.

Sung at the Feast of the Resurrection & the Holy Fifties.

Shepherd of Believers (From Psalm 80)
O Shepherd of believers! Listen to our prayer

Kata Ni Khoros
Sung at the Feast of the Resurrection & the Holy Fifties.

Cast your burden on Him (From Psalm 55)
Cast your burden upon Him, cast all your burden.

Apetjeek Evol
Chanted before the reading of the Catholic epistle.

Psalm 139
Lord, You have examined me and known me.

Ekhrestos Anesty - Long
Sung at the Feast of the Resurrection & the Holy Fifties.

As it was and shall be; The Liturgy of the Believers of St. Basil Liturgy.

Psalm 24
A Psalm of David. The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it.(Ps: 28).