1. Lord, You have examined me (Psalm 139)
Lord, You have examined me and known me
From faraway You understand all my thoughts
Nothing can be hidden away from You, not even a word
Even before I speak You know it altogether......
choir and music
music only
2. Hail (From "The Introduction to the Creed")
Hail, Hail, Hail to the mother of God, the ever virgin Theotokos......
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music only
3. My precious Blood (Old Hymn)
My precious blood that I have willingly spilled for your own sake,
Is but a ransom to release you from the destructive devil
And you! What have you ever done for my own sake?......
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music only
4. Unto You, I lift up my eyes (From Psalm 123)
Unto You, I lift up my eyes, O You that dwells in the heavens.
Unto You, I spilled out my heart, so look at me with mercy......
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music only
5. Shepherd of Believers (From Psalm 80)
O Shepherd of believers! Listen to our prayer
O powerful leader of hosts! Give us ear
You who dwell up on your throne
Look down from your heaven, shine and give hand......
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music only
6. Ontoc(Hymn for the Apostles Chanted after the reading of the Pauline Epistle)
Truly your names are glorified on earth:
O Apostles, chosen by the Lord......
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music only
7. Salut (Jules Vernes)
Salut, astre secourable,
Etoile du matelot!
Salut, du ciel porte aimable,
Vierge et mere du trés haut!
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music only
8. When Jesus was born (From Matthew: 2)
When Jesus was born in the city of David,
there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem......
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music only
9. Cast your burden on Him (From Psalm 55)
Cast your burden upon Him, cast all your burden
Cast your burden on Him, and He will sustain you......
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music only
10. A rose from the land of Sharom (From Song of Songs)
I am merely a rose from the land of Sharon, a lily from the valley
My darling, when compared to other young women, you are a lily among thorns......
choir and music
music only
11. Gethsemane (Words from the Agpeya)
O Lord, who passed the winepress alone with the pains pierced into You as death arrows
You who have surpassed the death for me
Remember me when You come unto Your Kingdom......
choir and music
music only
12. Khen Owshoat (The Praise of the First Canticle)
The water of the sea: was parted into parts:
And the great depth: became a path......
choir and music
music only
13. La terre approche la crèche (A Hymn for Christmas time)
La terre approche la crèche a ceux qui se sont eloingnès
Pour voir les yeux de Jèsus qui dans le noir brillait......
choir and music
music only